Ramblings of a Computer Science Undergrad

Anything and everything that interests me.

Archive for July 2009

iPhone Battery Life

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Most blogs and tech review sites say that iPhone battery life is appalling and if you want to survive the day you need to charge at mid day.

My iPhone can last 2 days, just about. How do I do it?? Use SMS and don’t listen to the iPod too much. To be honest, don’t be a loner and sit and listen to music all day and surf the internet constantly on Wi-Fi.

If you don’t like how long the iPhone batter lasts, change your usage habits!

Written by Adam Matthews

July 24, 2009 at 9:52 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Weather, it shouldn’t be hard to find out!

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Some months ago, the BBC decided they would update their weather website to look more ‘modern’. I must say, the design was slightly dated but a user could access ALL information required very easily. 24 hour forecast, with temperature, wind, humidity, pollen etc at a click of a button. Users could even get a nice five day at a click of a button.

Now, we are presented with this. (Click to view larger)

bbcweatherI really wish I had a screen shot of the old layout, because I thought it was a lot better. Now, I don’t know if I’m being stupid, but I find it really annoying and un-intuitive navigating this website. So much so I’ve been sent elsewhere, namely “weather.co.uk”, the Weather Channels UK website.

Now, I have this…

weathercoLook at that! Type in postcode (which BBC didn’t recognise even though the code change has been in place for at least a year or more!) and its away. Click “tomorrow” and oh yeah, we have tomorrows weather and a very nice organised breakdown.

Its exactly what I want from a weather report, instantly I can see its going to be warm again!

If you want to see for yourself, go to:

BBC Weather

The Weather Channel UK

Please comment if you feel the same way! I have emailed feedback to the BBC about this design change and got no reply!

Written by Adam Matthews

July 1, 2009 at 10:10 pm

Posted in Uncategorized