Ramblings of a Computer Science Undergrad

Anything and everything that interests me.

2010, Year of the eReader and portable computing, and the regeneration of newspapers

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Having glanced at some CES 2010 coverage today, I have noticed a massive trend (as has everyone else to be honest). Portable ‘eReaders’ and tablet or ‘slate’ devices as they are now being branded. One of which that took my eye is the Skiff eReader.

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Written by Adam Matthews

January 7, 2010 at 7:22 pm

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Rail replacement bus service

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I hate bus replacements. I want to use the train, beacuse it’s quicker, quieter and just more pleasent. But at the weekend down in Kent everything gets fucked up.

Seems there’s a lot of work going on on weekends between sittingbourn/faversham areas and Canterbury east. I knownit must be important otherwise South Eastern Railways wouldn’t be paying the travelmasters bus company to ship it’s passengers around, but it’s still annoying.

I think it’s because it’s a train company, I’ve had enough with them! First Capital Connect, the operator where I used to live as a sixth form student thought we could afford £600 to use the train to get to college each year. When we complained (we being an awful lot of parents and students) they said that the cost was perfectly fine and it doesn’t know why we were complaining.

We complained because it used to be about £150/200 for a year. The MD never listened to questions about why a carpark that was free now costs £1.50 a day. I offered advice to get people back in it, as people were using a piece of land behind the station to park instead! I was given a stupid excuse and basically told to grow up. I may only be 18, but I have common and business sense and it seems that the FCC don’t!

Rant over and it’s starting to hurt typing on this iPhone.

Written by Adam Matthews

October 31, 2009 at 6:51 pm

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Chrome Owns Firefox

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Ever since I started with Google Chrome about 2 months ago I was amazed at how little there was cluttering up the viewing space. I hadn’t realised quite how much was missing in chrome until I revisited Firefox for the first time in that time!


As you can probably see from the above comparison, theres just less clutter! It gets even better when I use the Ctrl + B shortcut to hide the bookmarks menu in Chrome.


This increased space on the viewing window and lack of clutter has made my mind love chrome, and when I tried to go back to Firefox it was like looking at a very untidy desk full of useless rubbish!

I will say that Firefox has that amazing extensibility etc etc that Chrome lacks, and the “magic bar” in firefox that allows you to use shortcuts for bookmarks is very nice, but other than that its Chrome FTW!


But, at the end of the day, its what ever takes your fancy! I personally think Chrome, now I’ve been using it for a while is the way forward.

Written by Adam Matthews

October 21, 2009 at 6:07 pm

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I just moved to the University of Kent, and the Study Bedroom Service internet access has been down since saturday. Its so strange without access to the internet at all, apart from when I have to go on campus to get wireless access.

I hope it sorts itself out soon, then I can blog about uni some more!

Written by Adam Matthews

September 21, 2009 at 12:26 pm

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Web Advertising 2.0

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I was watching a video interview with Digg.com founder Kevin Rose earlier and he made an interesting point about advertising. It was mentioned that some web advertising is a bit too overdramatic and users don’t really want to be seeing some product being advertised. Content consumers would much prefer being shown what kind of things are in the pipeline at a certain company, or what is being done behind the scenes.

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Written by Adam Matthews

September 16, 2009 at 11:23 pm

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Windows 7 on Idle

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What the hell!!!  Not only does Windows 7 boot amazingly fast, when I’ve got my applications loaded and sitting in the system tray this is my idling CPU usage. Its around 0-5%.

On the same machine with Vista running it was idling at around 20-30% if not more. Plus the memory usage was about 1.5Gb higher! Very glad I took the plunge and ignored the “no adoption until service pack 1”! Thank you University of Kent School of Computing and MSDNAA (for my free license of Win7 Professional)!

Written by Adam Matthews

September 15, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Dell Dock and Windows 7

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The Dell Dock was very very useful when I had it installed on Vista, and decided that I needed it on Windows 7 too. I set about getting it and the website that Dell suggest (www.delldock.com) wouldn’t let me download the application.

Luckily good ol’ CNET has it in their downloads area and I acquired it from there. Once I got it installed, I found out that 7 wouldn’t let me drag and drop shortcuts into the application! This kind of defeats the object of the dock! Solution was needed.

Then I thought about using the technique I use on Windows Live Messenger in Win7. Run the dock in Vista SP2 compatibility mode and voila, all working!

Written by Adam Matthews

September 15, 2009 at 3:54 pm

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iTunes 9: Its wicked!

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I think this is pretty cool, so far iTunes 9 has been reasonably nice to me. It crashed but after that it was ok. The design changes are reasonably drastic but make it look a lot nicer. The new Genius Mixes is a thing I have yet to get working, but other than that its quite nice.

More soon!

Written by Adam Matthews

September 9, 2009 at 11:10 pm

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Useful apps: Gladinet Cloud Desktop

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I’ve decided to start a useful apps part of this blog, mostly will be for apps that will be useful for new university students (as I will be in 3 weeks!). I will kick this off with Gladinet Cloud Desktop.

This application can mount “cloud storage” services such as Amazon S3, Google Docs and Windows Live SkyDrive. The SkyDrive support for me is the best thing, because it now has 25GB of online storage for free. Once the storage service has been mounted you can use it just like a normal drive on your pc/laptop and copy files to the ‘cloud’ without having to use the web interface.


There is a free version, which includes the professional version trial for 30 days. After that you lose the ability to backup stuff automatically and some advanced features. There is an academic license, which is the professional version for a cheaper price. All you need is an academic centre email address (@college.ac.uk if your in the uk) and you can get the £39.99 application for £7.48.

If you worry about losing your precious work and you will have less than 25GB of the stuff, buy this and you can auto backup to Google docs and SkyDrive and access your stuff anywhere.

This is much cheaper than getting a MobileMe account with Apple and using the 20GB of storage, and you don’t have to worry about needing Firefox on your campus computers (I have mobileme, I back up to there too!)

Sign up for a Windows Live ID

Get Gladinet Cloud Desktop

Written by Adam Matthews

August 31, 2009 at 4:38 pm

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Facebook for iPhone v3

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After complaining to my peers about the lack of features and general uselessness, Facebook finally updates its application for iPhone from v2.5 to v3.0!

The app now allows you to manage your events, which is very useful for when your on the go and want to check the location of an event. (I will add a photo as soon as I can download the screenshot from my phone!)

The news feed has been updated and now is more user friendly and is much more useful. Updating your status is easier too.

I have been playing around with this app for a while now, and I’ve not had a single crash! This is amazing because I’ve used the old FB app on two iPhone 3G’s and both kept crashing. 

Overall verdict, 9/10!

Written by Adam Matthews

August 28, 2009 at 5:57 pm

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