Ramblings of a Computer Science Undergrad

Anything and everything that interests me.

Archive for June 2009

iPhone OS 3.0 – MobileMe integration working well!

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I’ve been using iPhone OS 3.0 since about 18:00 GMT! I was on the check update button right form the launch time and was the first among people I knew to actually be able to download it via iTunes!

There are many blogs covering the various features, but I think MobileMe gets a bad wrap. I haven’t really seen “Find My iPhone” talked about much, and it’s a great little feature. I’m guessing they took the idea from a jail broken app which did kind of the same thing but failed. The GPS locate gets it to within about 30m, which isn’t at all bad! The message alert and tone is very useful! Its quite loud and can be heard a decent distance away.

Another interesting upgrade which wasn’t really talked about is the ability for MobileMe subscribers to upload images to their  galleries with great ease. Before the 3.0 update, pressing “Send to MobileMe” brought up the Mail app with your photo attached in it with an email address that would sent it to your account. This was an ok way around it, but for something which Apple control, a bit ad hoc. However, now its much more flash!


When you press the “Sent to MobileMe” button now, you are presented with the above window. Which lets you select the gallery you want to put it in (as you can see, I don’t really use mine to its full potential!) and lets you add a description and title. Within seconds (Wi-Fi) the photo was online, and you are presented with a link to preview it from Mobile Safari (which I am VERY impressed with! My new web development fly’s in it!)

Very promising application there, and I hope that the iDisk application that is in the pipeline (http://www.apple.com/iphone/iphone-3g-s/more-features.html, near the bottom) lives up to my expectations and blows the other apps out of the water. Apologies to them but I really don’t get on well with them.

Written by Adam Matthews

June 20, 2009 at 9:13 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

A prayer for Google

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In light of the changes to the Church of England proposed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which including praying for the CEO’s of Google and other popular figures, one friend came up with this as a suggestion!

“Our Google who art on servers, a verb be your name, your knowledge come, your googling be done, on earth as on the internet.

Give us today our daily searches.

Forgive us our typos, as we forgive those who typo against us.

Save us from the wrath of blogging

and deliver us from Microsoft.

For the internet, the knowledge, and the indexing are yours now and for ever.” Matthew Farmer, AKA Legend.

Written by Adam Matthews

June 14, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Windows Live Shit

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This is not what you want to see when you load up iTunes on both computers once the files have been synced.

Thank the lord for the plethora of backup files that WL Sync makes every time it syncs iTunes. I managed to load up the last one from earlier in the evening and it was all ok. But If I hadn’t have found that file, I would have to import every song I own again, manually.

So, as of this day, screw Windows Live Sync, hello Allway Sync. http://allwaysync.com/

It seems to work well, a traditional LAN based sync service. Very nice as I can plug in my work backup USB stick and it will auto sync to it. There is much more to it and will probably review it once I’ve got it set up.

Written by Adam Matthews

June 9, 2009 at 7:44 pm

Posted in Uncategorized